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Albino rainbow shark diet - albino rainbow shark diet

19-12-2016 à 19:57:01
Albino rainbow shark diet
Being bottom- and mid-level dwellers, they consume leftover fish food, but also eat the algae growing off surfaces. Rainbow sharks are not picky herbivorous and omnivorous eaters, but are primarily consumers of algae in the form of tablets, wafers and flakes. It may also increase the risk of the fish jumping out of its tank. Please help rewrite this article from a descriptive, neutral point of view, and remove advice or instruction. Rainbow sharks make ideal additions to nearly any community aquarium. Keep in mind that when it comes to rainbow sharks, the rule of extremes comes into play. You should either keep one rainbow shark, or 6 or more rainbow sharks. Compared to females, male rainbow sharks have thinner bodies with black lines along the tailfins. I have had rainbow sharks rip the fins and tails off of smaller, weaker rainbow sharks. One of the things that spawned my initial interest in the freshwater fish hobby was sharks. Rainbow sharks are compatible with barbs and rainbowfish, which are upper- and middle-tank dwellers. The linear area from the gill cover, the eye, and the mouth has a characteristic brief stripe. They are known to be peaceful with their own kind in the wild, but have been known to be aggressive with one another if kept together in a tank. Many people have a tendency to confuse the rainbow shark with its cousin, the red tail shark. Ideal tank mates for rainbow sharks can include bala sharks, red finned cigar sharks, iridescent sharks, catfish, corys, plecos, gouramis, danios, barbs, rainbowfish, loaches and eels. If you have a large enough aquarium, such as a 55 gallon tank, with plenty of hiding places for each rainbow shark to have its own territory, you should be able to keep more than one rainbow shark per tank.

The rainbow shark is part of the cyprinid family, the same family of fish that includes goldfish and minnows. This article is written like a manual or guidebook. They live in water with sandy substrates, near the river bottom. Fortunately, this aggression is usually limited to other rainbow or red tail sharks. For this reason, the rainbow shark is often considered to be a loner fish, meaning that only one rainbow shark or one red tail shark should be kept in an aquarium. While the other sharks of the cyprinid family earn their moniker because of large, shark-like dorsal fins, the rainbow shark may very well earn their name because of their aggression. The rainbow shark also has a more pointed snout than the red tail shark. Provision of hiding places and hollowed decors such as plants or artificial cave-like and tunnel-like aquatic ornaments minimize this typical behavior. Due to this behavioral characteristic among its own kind, rainbow sharks are not recommendable to the new aquarist. If you decide to keep 6 or more rainbow sharks in one aquarium, you should also make sure that the fish are similar sized. Rainbow sharks are native to the basins of Mekong, Chao Phraya, Xe Bangfai and Maeklong in Indochina. Being a big shark fan, when I found out that you could actually get sharks for a freshwater home aquarium, I had to have some. They can also live with danios, loaches, plecos, rasboras, and gouramis. The rainbow shark has an elongated, dark black or dark blue body, or a bright blue body. Threat displays and fighting are likely to occur. (November 2014) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ). The rainbow shark is a more slender, streamlined fish than the red tail shark.

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Albino rainbow shark diet

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